A Month of Blogging!

May certainly turned out to be a month of blogging for me! Today, I’m interviewing fellow Mixed-Up Files contributor Annabelle Fisher about her new middle grade, Pixie Piper and the Matter of the Batter. Check it out for a chance to win a two-book giveaway!

Earlier in the month, I wrote a couple of posts on writing craft including how to use a long-form messy synopsis as part of your pre-writing process as well as posts on using humor to lighten up tough middle-grade topics and my Pantser’s Guide to Character Development.

But it’s also the start of gardening season here in the Pacific Northwest, so I hope once you’re reading my posts from a hammock in the sunshine or some other outdoor locale. This summer is likely to be a quiet one for me in terms of blogging as we will be traveling quite a bit, but look for some news related to SCBWI WWA and Pitch Wars in the coming weeks!