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Overcome your doubt demons and get your stories reader-ready with expert book coaching!


I’m Julie Artz and I’m a certified book coach who’s helped hundreds of status-quo smashing writers like you get the craft, mindset, and market support you need to get your manuscript completed and into readers’ hands.

Overcome your doubt demons and get your stories reader-ready with expert book coaching!


I’m Julie Artz and I’m a certified book coach who’s helped hundreds of status-quo smashing writers like you get the craft, mindset, and market support you need to get your manuscript completed and into readers’ hands.

Finish your next draft with me for free!


​​I want to finish the Zero Draft of my new novel by the end of the year. That's about 12 weeks from now.

Want to join me?

Sign up to receive 12 free weekly  email lessons full of tips, tricks, exercises, and inspiration to help you finish your draft right alongside me! 

Plus, I'll be hosting live write-ins and Ask Me Anythings for participants. Sign up now to join the fun!


I want to finish my draft in 12 weeks!

As featured in...

Are you worried your stories will never be good enough to land in readers’ hands?


✦  You’ve been working on the story of your heart for months or years, but you’re worried you’ll never finish that first draft.


✦  You know what needs to happen next, from drafting to revising to pitching to agents, but aren’t sure how to do it.


✦  You’re battling imposter syndrome and fighting a losing battle against your writing doubt demons, alone.


✦  You’re struggling to incorporate feedback or to get your agent or editor to take on your next project.


✦  You’ve got a tight editorial deadline that you’re panicked about hitting. 


✦  You’ve done all you can with your revisions, but you’re still facing rejection by agents or editors - or worse hearing nothing but crickets.

It’s frustrating, right?

Discouraging. Disheartening. Sometimes you wonder if you should just give up…

Put the joy back into creating and make real progress on your story.


No one should have to navigate the complexities and frustrations of the writing journey alone.

And now you don’t have to. 


The world needs your stories.


As a book coach, I help writers like you to:

Enhance Your Storytelling Smarts.

 I identify big-picture craft, structure, and story issues and teach you how to address them in your work.


Write the Stories of Your Heart.

I help you find the courage to tell your stories and hold true to your voice and vision for your story, while taking readers AND the needs of the market into consideration.

Go from Idea to Reader-Ready Manuscript

I guide you every step of the way from the initial spark of an idea to a completed, reader-ready manuscript with my craft, mindset, and industry expertise.

Hi, I’m Julie Artz!

Justice-minded Story Geek. Author. Editor. Book Coach.
(aka your Literary Fairy God-Dragon!)


I’ve been through just about every up and down possible when it comes to writing, revising, pitching, and even pivoting. 

I know what it’s like to face those doubts, fears, and challenges alone. It’s awful. And I don’t want that for you. 

I know how to overcome them and I can help you too.

I’ve spent the past decade learning the ins and outs of the industry so that I can empower, teach, and guide writers like you to get your stories reader-ready.

My values will always be at the heart of my work:


Climate change is real and no human is illegal. Love is love, women’s and trans rights are human rights, and Black Lives Matter. Children deserve diverse books.

I devote my attention and my intention as an author, editor, and book coach to creating, promoting, and publishing books that reflect these values.Because stories change lives.

If all of that doesn't make you say "hell yeah!" I'm probably not the book coach for you.


Learn More About Me

Sonia found the ideal audience for her book and her platform!


“In searching for a book coach, I needed to find someone who “got me” and understood what I wanted to put out into the world. Then together, I felt that we could shape the story into something magical. And we did…Thank goodness you were interested in my story and took the time to be interested in me and what my vision was. We had great chemistry from the get-go and created a process that was comfortable for me.


You helped me to shape all of the “stuff in my head” into a beautiful story that was true to me and also stayed focused on the reader’s perspective."


—Sonia Hunt, author of Nut Job (Gen X Media, 2021).

Does it seem like you've tried everything?


You’ve taken the classes, workshops and conferences, gotten an MFA, and read every craft book out there...

Now, it's time to try something different - working with a book coach. 

Imagine a knowledgeable industry professional who is equal parts

  • teacher,
  • cheerleader,
  • project manager,
  • fairy godmother, and fierce story dragon

guiding every step of your writing journey. (that’s me!)

My clients often describe working with me as better than a one-on-one MFA


because of my deep knowledge of the writing craft and the publishing industry.

Add in a solid dose of accountability, a little tough love, and a bibbity bobbity boo from your literary fairy godmother and you’re closer to the truth…

Confidently plan your next steps!

Here's how you can work with me to achieve your writing goals:

The Wyrd Writers Collective

6-month group coaching program to level-up your writing.


Apply here!

Work together 1:1

Book private monthly coaching or a manuscript/pitch audit.


Book now!

WKND Pitch Perfection.

95% of writers think they're ready to pitch - but they're not. This mini-course puts you in the 5% that are.


Learn more!

Maria went from full of doubt to confident, award-winning author.


“Julie helped me take the first draft of my manuscript to a polished, well executed novel that got me an agent and my first book deal. Julie’s ability to not only see the forest AND the trees but also zoom in and help with line level suggestions was invaluable. Above ALL that, Julie’s friendly, approachable, and genuine style of coaching made me feel at ease with my writing and helped me believe in myself again.


Julie’s love of the writing craft comes through in everything we did. And now, because of her, I am a better writer who has fallen back in love with the process!”


—Maria José Fitzgerald, author of Turtles of the Midnight Moon, winner of the Green Earth Book Award for Children’s Fiction, an International Latino Book Awards honoree, and an Indie’s Introduces and Indie’s Next pick.

Sara leveled up her publishing credentials and landed her top choice of agent!


“Julie was very positive, responsive, and encouraging throughout my entire process of writing a proposal and pitching it to agents. She was generous in giving me a list of agents to query, along with offering tips along the way. I’m grateful to have accomplished my goal of securing my top choice of an agent by working with Julie!”


—Sara Avant Stover, author of Handbook for the Hearthbroken, The Way Of The Happy Woman, and The Book of SHE

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