$89.00 USD

Available today only! Want to learn more about how to complete your agent research, how to batch queries, and what to do when that long-awaited agent offer appears in your inbox? I've got you covered with my Pitch Strategy Workbook, available for $17.

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WKND Pitch Perfection

Find out if you're in the 5% of writers who are truly ready to pitch their novel or memoir!

For the price of a conference query critique, you'll get all this in this self-paced course:

  • Six video lessons
  • Genre and Word Count References
  • Query Knowledge Base
  • Query Template
  • Four Essential Questions Workbook

Because of the digital nature of this product, no refunds are available after purchase. 

What People Are Saying:

Julie helped me highlight the heart of my story, as well as my character’s heart. We also had an exchange about whether to include an indie book in my query that helped me come up with a strategy to straddle conflicting industry advice at the time. Julie’s insights were invaluable! Not only did they help my sales copy, but they helped me as I underwent my final rounds of revision. I think this is a value many writers don’t realize at first, that the query can be used as a revision tool as well as a sales tool. The book and jacket copy are stronger because of Julie’s feedback, and I’ll forever be grateful to her!

Margaret McNellis