Pitch Perfection

95% of writers think they're ready to pitch - but they're not. Become in the 5% who are with this mini-course. 

Kick your anxiety to the curb and learn how to slay your doubt demons while writing the perfect pitch that expertly positions your story.

I'm Ready to Perfect My Pitch!

Spend one last weekend polishing your pitch so you can confidently send it out Monday morning. 

You no longer have to struggle with...

  • taking countless craft classes,
  • pulling your hair out over 17 revisions,
  • submitting to your critique partners (if you have them),
  • paying for more query critiques that fail to give you adequate feedback,
  • those doubt demons who are still preying on you after trying basically everything

...because now you have pro help!

The truth is...

You need to answer the essential questions that will make your pitch shine.

And that's exactly what you'll learn how to do in WKND Pitch Perfection.

I've read almost a thousand pitches over the past ten years and have helped numerous querying writers diagnose what's not working and fix it so they can query with confidence. Now I want to teach you.

In a weekend...

Achieve Pitch Perfection so you can send your pitch out into the world with confidence!

I'm Ready to Achieve Pitch Perfection!

Self-paced course

Learn how to revise & rebuild your query: 

  • Choose comparable titles and genre that demonstrate market savvy

  • Share the right details in your bio (no matter your writing credentials)

  • Answer the four essential questions that will make agents, editors, and readers curious to read more

  • Get fresh eyes on your pitch to make sure the vision in your brain translates to the page

Videos, workbooks, and more!

Here's what you get with WKND Pitch Perfection

Lesson One

What is a Query?

Understand the parts of the query letter and how they work together to do the one essential job of a successful pitch. 

Lesson Two

Where does your book fit on the shelf?

Understand how to demonstrate your market savvy by including the correct genre and strong comp titles in your pitch.

Lesson Three

The Four Essential Questions

Answer these four questions in your query to perfect your story's hook and arc (even if you're not sure what those terms mean yet!).

Lesson Four

Bio Brilliance

Perfect your author bio and know what details to save for a more detailed writing resume or marketing plan. 

Lesson Five

Getting Fresh Eyes

Test your new query with cold readers to find holes and perfect your pitch.

Lesson Six

Are you in the 5%?

You've made it! Here's how to determine if you're truly ready to pitch (and what to do if you're not).  

With Bonus Resources!

Genre & Word Count Guides (valued at $34)

Never bang your head into the wall trying to remember if Post Apocalyptic is Fantasy or Sci-Fi again with this handy reference.

Query Knowledgebase (valued at $87)

A database of successful queries marked up to show you different ways authors have found to address the four essential questions.

Six Video Lectures (valued at $288)

Watch and learn as Julie walks you through detailed information about what works and why when it comes to pitching.

Query Audit Workbook (valued at $87)

Julie's Pitch Perfection process in an easy-to-use printable you can use for years to come. 

That's a total value of $496 available to you for ONLY $89.

Yes, please! Sign me up!

What people are saying about WKND Pitch Perfection...

With Julie's guidance, I was able to get unblocked and have the breakthrough I was looking for!

Julie's ability to see directly into the heart of what's not working in a story from just the query is second to none and downright incredible.

I had a story (and a pitch) I was struggling with, and via just the query, she not only identified exactly what the problem was and why I was struggling with the overall project, she also made several suggestions for how I might go about addressing the issues in my manuscript. With her guidance,

I was able to get unblocked and have the breakthrough I was looking for!

Author Samantha Skal

I recommend Julie to anyone struggling with drafting their query letter.

Despite my background in public relations, writing query letters distilling my own work has always been a struggle.

Working with Julie gave me clarity on my hook and, maybe more importantly, she gave me the confidence I needed to add that special sparkle that brought my story voice to life in my query.

I recommend Julie to anyone struggling with drafting their query letter.

Author Monica Cox

Position your story for success


I know right now the doubt demons are creeping in because...

  • Pitching successfully feels impossible.

  • You've written a pitch, but something still feels off.

  • You've sent a few pitches and don't know if the crickets in your inbox are because folks are busy, or if there's something wrong with your pitch.

  • In the past, you've pitched a new story idea to your agent (or editor) and they rejected it, so this time you want to nail it. 

Let me help you achieve Pitch Perfection this weekend.


I'm Julie!

I help writers, like you, who want to change the world with their stories slay their doubt demons so they can send their work out into the world with confidence.

From planning through revision and pitching, I provide the craft and industry knowledge and mindset support writers need to write a career's worth of books. 

In my years as a Pitch Wars mentor, I read hundreds of queries. That revealed two things to me:

#1 Writers struggle to craft a pitch that accurately reflects their story.

#2 Successful pitches have the same essential elements.

And this course is going to teach you all about these secrets.

Sign me up!

What people are saying about WKND Pitch Perfection...

I was fortunate enough to get feedback on a query from Julie that actually became my book jacket copy as I decided to stay on the indie path.

Julie helped me highlight the heart of my story, as well as my character’s heart.

We also had an exchange about whether to include an indie book in my query that helped me come up with a strategy to straddle conflicting industry advice at the time.

Julie’s insights were invaluable! Not only did they help my sales copy, but they helped me as I underwent my final rounds of revision.

I think this is a value many writers don’t realize at first, that the query can be used as a revision tool as well as a sales tool. The book and jacket copy are stronger because of Julie’s feedback, and I’ll forever be grateful to her!

Margaret McNellis - Daughter of the Seven Hills

I’m grateful to have accomplished my goal of securing my top choice of an agent by working with Julie!

Julie was very positive, responsive, and encouraging throughout my entire process of writing a proposal and pitching it to agents.

She was generous in giving me a list of agents to query, along with offering tips along the way. 

Sara Avant Stover - Handbook for the Heartbroken

This mini-course is for writers who are struggling with... 

  • getting a gut-check before pitching another book.

  • stepping into the query trenches for the very first time and are feeling doubtful in their pitch.

  • pitching book two to their agent or editor and wanting that easy YES.

  • unexpected responses in their early rounds of queries.

  • shelving a manuscript (or manuscripts!) and not wanting to shelve another one.


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The Nitty Gritty Details

  • Once you buy the course, you'll be prompted to enter your email address before clicking "Complete My Purchase."

  • From there, you'll be prompted to enter the password you'll use to access the course. 

  • You'll receive an email confirmation with the details just in case (don't forget to check your Spam) and make sure you save this email for lifetime access to the course.

Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refund after this purchase.

Ready to invest $89 to Perfect Your Pitch and give your story the best opportunity for success?

I'm ready!