Children Deserve Diverse Books

We Need Diverse Books
We Need Diverse Books

I believe that climate change is real. That no human is illegal. That love is love. That womxn’s rights are human rights. That children deserve diverse books. And that Black Lives Matter. I devote my attention and my intention to creating, promoting, and publishing books that reflect these values.

Earlier this summer, I attended Hello Seven’s town hall on reimagining small business. In the wake of the George Floyd murder, it was an opportunity to learn how I could focus my intention on making the world a safer place for Black Americans even as a sole proprietor of a relatively small business.

During that Town Hall, I made a pledge that promised:

  • I will do my part to end racism and inequality.
  • I will do more than just send “hopes and prayers.” I will take action.
  • I will use my business, my platform, my influence, and my income as tools to create the world I wish to live in.
  • I will do things that feel uncomfortable.
  • And, I will take action consistently, not just one time. Because I recognize that racism is a massive problem that requires massive, ongoing action to solve. 

Racism and the systemic inequality that underpins so much of our country cannot be overcome in a day. Attending a town hall doesn’t check some sort of box that shows that I’m an ally. Neither does adding a statement like the one at the top of this post to my business’s About page. But I’ve been doing a lot of things behind the scenes to make sure I’m living up to this pledge. And I hope that having it here will be a constant reminder to myself and to my past, present, and future clients that all children deserve to live in a world that values, celebrates, and publishes stories about children like them. A world that sees them as beautiful. A world that tells them they matter.

I’m here to help make that happen. I hope you’ll join me.

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