12 Weeks to a NaNo Win FAQs

Last year, I decided to guide my readers through my 12-week NaNoWriMo planning journey and it went so well that I’m offering the email course again this year! Want to learn more? Here are some 12 Weeks to a NaNo Win FAQs (frequently asked questions):

What is NaNoWriMo?

Good question! NaNoWriMo (which is sometimes further shortened to NaNo) is an abbreviation for National Novel Writing Month, which began in 1999 as a challenge to write 50,000 words of a new novel during the month of November. It has since expanded to become a nonprofit with a variety of programs that support the challenge and writing education in general. However, the central challenge remains the same and now, 23 years later, hundreds of thousands of writers participate annually. You can “win” NaNoWriMo by reaching the word count goal.

Who is “12 Weeks to a NaNo Win” for?

NaNoWriMo is all about writing 50,000 words in November. But the truth is, anyone who is planning a novel or memoir is welcome (and encouraged!) to join. You can benefit from this course whether you’ve always wanted to participate but were not sure how to get started, you have tried before and have not been able to make it to the finish line, or you’ve won before but want an extra boost this year to make the experience smoother and more enjoyable.

What do I get when I sign up?

Subscribers will receive twelve customized email lessons full of tips, tricks, exercises, and inspiration aimed at helping them find that elusive NaNo win! 

The FREE 12 Weeks to a NaNo Win course includes the following topics:

  • Finding the elusive “high concept” idea
  • Researching genre and comp titles
  • Choosing themes
  • Creating a killer pitch
  • The Five major story beats
  • Mapping a character arc
  • Introduction to world building
  • First Week Drafting – Hooking your reader
  • Second Week Drafting – Everything changes
  • Third Week Drafting – Midpoint reflection
  • Fourth Week Drafting – HEA, HFN, or tragedy? You decide!
  • Now what?

Why would I want to start planning so early?

I’ve been participating in NaNoWriMo for over ten years now (!!), either during the month of November or during one of the Camp NaNo months (April and July). And I can tell you that fast drafting has been really effective in helping me silence the inner editor and explore a new story idea. But I have the best success when I do a little bit of planning before November starts. While it’s true you can’t technically start on your 50,000 words until November 1, you can set yourself up for success by building the important story scaffolding in the months leading up to the start date.

What if I don’t sign up by September 5?

No worries! If you sign up after the first emails have gone out, we’ll catch you up so you’ll still get the full course in your inbox. However, if you’re seeing this before September 5, sign up now! It will enhance the experience to give yourself the full 12 weeks and follow along with me and the community of writers as we prep together. Sign-up will officially close on September 31.

Do I need to make any commitments?

Only to yourself. 12 Weeks to a NaNo Win is a free course so there is no financial commitment and you won’t have any “assignments” to turn in. Each week will focus on a new concept or recommended action step to move you further along on your planning journey.

How do I sign up?

Subscribe today at pages.julieartz.com/nanowin so that you don’t miss out on this free 12-week email series or the tips, tricks, and giveaways that I’m only making available to my subscribers! And follow along on Instagram as I answer your burning NaNo prep and fast drafting questions all season long.

Need extra support as you draft? Check out my Six-Week Prewriting Intensive and coaching packages on my Book Coaching page.

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