12 Weeks to a NaNo Win FAQs

Last year, I decided to guide my readers through my 12-week NaNoWriMo planning journey and it went so well that I’m offering the email course again this year! Want to learn more? Here are some 12 Weeks to a NaNo Win FAQs (frequently asked questions): What is NaNoWriMo? Good question! NaNoWriMo (which is sometimes furtherContinue reading “12 Weeks to a NaNo Win FAQs”

“Your Next Step” VIP Mini-Retreat

Writing a creative nonfiction book can be overwhelming. And working with a book coach 1:1 can be expensive. Take advantage of this opportunity for personalized 1:1 expert guidance on your CNF project at a fraction of the usual cost to work with a book coach. Join nonfiction book coaches Suzette Mullen and Julie Artz forContinue reading ““Your Next Step” VIP Mini-Retreat”

Round Three CP Meet Cute is Here!

Registration for Round Three has closed, but you can sign up to be notified when the next round opens! Announcing Round Three of CP Meet Cute, coming to you in August at pages.julieartz.com/meet-cute. Finding a critique partner is at the top of my list of things I wish every writer would do BEFORE reaching outContinue reading “Round Three CP Meet Cute is Here!”

Introducing #CPMeetCute and “CPs are the Special Sauce” Webinar

A lot of the dialogue around the announcement that Pitch Wars is coming to an end has been along the lines of “don’t worry, cold querying works!” And I *agree* with that 100% (It’s how I found my first agent). But Pitch Wars has always been about more than the Agent Showcase. Yes, cold-querying works,Continue reading “Introducing #CPMeetCute and “CPs are the Special Sauce” Webinar”

Last chance to join 12 Weeks to a Nano Win free!

This month, subscribers have received the first four out of twelve customized email lessons full of tips, tricks, exercises, and inspiration aimed at helping you find that elusive NaNo win!  The FREE 12 Weeks to Your NaNo Win course includes the following topics: Finding the elusive “high concept” idea Researching genre and comp titles ChoosingContinue reading “Last chance to join 12 Weeks to a Nano Win free!”

Join me in Blueprint for a Book Coach: The Working Sessions

I’m appearing in Session Three of the Blueprint for a Book half-day webinar on Friday, September 24, 2021, 8am PT / 10am CT / 11am ET. During this event, Author Accelerator founder and CEO Jennie Nash – who designed and developed the Blueprint for a Book method after helping her clients land six-figure book dealsContinue reading “Join me in Blueprint for a Book Coach: The Working Sessions”

Pitch Wars LIVE: Middle Grade Mentor Chat | 9.16.21, 7-9 PM EST

All your Middle Grade Pitch Wars questions: answered! Come hang out with me and my fellow MG Pitch Wars Mentors live today (September 16) at 4PM PT/ 7PM EST. Want to learn about Pitch Wars and don’t know where to start? Pop in and ask your questions or just say hi! We’d love to “see”Continue reading “Pitch Wars LIVE: Middle Grade Mentor Chat | 9.16.21, 7-9 PM EST”

Pitch Wars MG Wish List (2021) – Julie Artz

I’m thrilled to be back for a fifth year as a Pitch Wars MG mentor! *Pitch Wars is a mentoring program where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each to spend three months revising their manuscript. It ends in February with an Agent Showcase, where agents can read a pitch/first page andContinue reading “Pitch Wars MG Wish List (2021) – Julie Artz”