Another Installment

If you were wondering how far I could take the “gardening as a metaphor for life and writing” thing, the answer is just a bit farther! Check out my latest post on Medium: Walking Away From Your Story

A dried hydrangea flower in a vase on my desk.

This weekend brought rare fall sunshine to the Pacific Northwest, so I took a break from editing to do some fall clean-up in the garden. Pruners in hand, I headed to a shrub border in my yard and started cutting things back branch by branch. Before too long, I’d finished deadheading my favorite lace-cap hydrangea and went to dump my bucket in the compost. When I returned, a single faded bloom peeked out at me from the center of the bush, right at eye level. How had I missed something so obvious, something that had been right in front of me as I pruned and yet remained unseen? (read more…)

Children Deserve Diverse Books

We Need Diverse Books

I believe that climate change is real. That no human is illegal. That love is love. That womxn’s rights are human rights. That children deserve diverse books. And that Black Lives Matter. I devote my attention and my intention to creating, promoting, and publishing books that reflect these values.

Earlier this summer, I attended Hello Seven’s town hall on reimagining small business. In the wake of the George Floyd murder, it was an opportunity to learn how I could focus my intention on making the world a safer place for Black Americans even as a sole proprietor of a relatively small business.

During that Town Hall, I made a pledge that promised:

  • I will do my part to end racism and inequality.
  • I will do more than just send “hopes and prayers.” I will take action.
  • I will use my business, my platform, my influence, and my income as tools to create the world I wish to live in.
  • I will do things that feel uncomfortable.
  • And, I will take action consistently, not just one time. Because I recognize that racism is a massive problem that requires massive, ongoing action to solve. 

Racism and the systemic inequality that underpins so much of our country cannot be overcome in a day. Attending a town hall doesn’t check some sort of box that shows that I’m an ally. Neither does adding a statement like the one at the top of this post to my business’s About page. But I’ve been doing a lot of things behind the scenes to make sure I’m living up to this pledge. And I hope that having it here will be a constant reminder to myself and to my past, present, and future clients that all children deserve to live in a world that values, celebrates, and publishes stories about children like them. A world that sees them as beautiful. A world that tells them they matter.

I’m here to help make that happen. I hope you’ll join me.

#teamunicornmojo Mentors Return!

Wow, it’s been almost a year since I posted an update about book coaching, mentoring, or writing. Although 2020 has been a dumpster fire in many ways, it’s also seen my book coaching business grow exponentially. So part of my absence has been from extreme busy-ness. But I’d be lying if I said it hasn’t been one heck of a hard year for me and for so many others. If you’re struggling, I FEEL you and send you all kinds of virtual hugs.

But the good news is that I am delighted to be mentoring magical middle grade for Pitch Wars for a fourth year with my writing BFF, Jessica Vitalis.

2020 Pitch Wars Mentors!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to share a bit more regularly in the coming months, so check back soon.

FREE Character Clinic October 8

Author Accelerator and One Stop for Writers Character Clinic with writing coach Julie Artz. Tuesday, October 8, 11am PST.

On Tuesday, October 8 at 11am PST, I’m teaming up with Author Accelerator and One Stop for Writers for a live writing coach session with one lucky writer. Don’t miss this character assessment via webinar.

This is not only a great opportunity to learn more about One Stop for Writers’ new Character Builder tool, but a chance to see what it’s like to work one-on-one with an Author Accelerator book coach.

Characters are the heart of any story. They must be relatable, believable, and consistent for readers to connect and empathize with them. That’s a tall order, but the hyper-intelligent Character Builder is a game-changer that will help you build rich, memorable characters in a fraction of the time.

One Stop for Writers

And if you’re here because you’re hoping to hire me as a book coach or submit to me as a Pitch Wars mentor, it’s a great opportunity to get an idea of my style. Character arc is one of my super powers, so don’t miss this fun, free event to learn more about what it’s like to work with a writing coach.

Team Unicorn Mojo’s 2019 Pitch Wars Wish List

Hello Hopefuls! Welcome to Pitch Wars* 2019!

#TeamUnicornMojo (Julie Artz & Jessica Vitalis) is back for a third year and we cannot wait to read your middle grade fantasy submissions!

*Pitch Wars is a mentoring program where published/agented authors, editors, or industry interns choose one writer each to spend three months revising their manuscript. It ends in February with an Agent Showcase, where agents can read a pitch/first page and can request to read more. Learn more at

About #TeamUnicornMojo

We both love going deep on craft and we’re very hands-on when it comes to the brainstorming/revision process. Jessica’s strength leans toward plotting and Julie loves character development; we both go wild with the red pen when it comes time for line edits and we promise to sprinkle lots of magical unicorn dust over our mentee’s manuscript before the agent round.

[Fairy dust falling on a young boy’s head.]

Our future mentee is going to get to know us very well, but in the meantime here’s a little more dirt on each of us:

Julie’s Bio: I’m thrilled to be back for a third year mentoring middle grade with my writing soul sister, Jessica Vitalis. After more than two decades of writing and editing corporate, technical, and non-profit materials, six years ago I turned my skills and experience toward publishing. Since then, I have worked with authors published by Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, Hachette, and Boyds Mills Press, and have also helped clients formulate their queries and pitching strategies. My affiliations with SCBWI, AWP, and EFA, and my work with Pitch Wars/Teen Pit, all keep my industry knowledge current and sharp.

I excel at seeing the big picture and helping writers make what’s on the page as strong as what’s in their head and heart. Satisfying character arcs and vibrant world building are my super powers! I love teaching writers of all ages about craft. In addition to mentoring writers, I also contribute to The Winged Pen and Middle Grade at Heart, and I’m a Co-Regional Advisor for SCBWI Western Washington. In my free time, you’ll find me writing magical and geeky middle grade, pottering in the garden, out hiking in the glorious Pacific Northwest, or maybe in a hammock devouring a delicious new book.

So what can you expect from me? My critique partners have a running joke about my detailed edit letters and knack for comp titles and high-concept pitches. My kids claim I have the heart and maturity level of an 11-year-old, which is probably why I can channel that middle grade voice so well. My own Pitch Wars experience in 2015 felt like going through an MFA program in two short months, and I plan to bring that same craft-focused intensity to our mentee in 2019!

I love geeking out on comp titles and movie references and middle grade voice and magic systems. Sub to us and you will get the power of the Wonder Twins, the magic of the unicorn, and the rigor that comes from having two experienced, compassionate mentors to guide you through revisions.

[Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!] via GIPHY

Jessica’s Bio: This is my fifth year mentoring Pitch Wars and my third year teaming up with writer/editor extraordinaire Julie Artz. Over the last four years, I’ve had six mentees (that’s not a typo; two years, I was lucky enough to land two mentees!), all of whom have signed with agents as a result of their Pitch Wars manuscripts.*

In addition, three of my mentees have landed book deals: Amanda Rawson Hill’s Pitch Wars manuscript The Three Rules to Everyday Magic has already debuted, her sophomore novel You’ll Find Me releases in 2020, Reese Eschmann’s Pitch Wars manuscript is coming out in 2020, and Kit Rosewater has two books coming out in 2020!

In addition to mentoring Pitch Wars, I write middle grade stories, freelance as a developmental editor, volunteer with We Need Diverse Books, and contribute to The Winged Pen. As a Columbia MBA-wielding author/editor, I first approach stories from a big-picture perspective, evaluating elements such as structure, plot, themes, character development, and voice and then turn my attention to individual scenes, paragraphs, and even sentences to make sure every element of the story works as a cohesive whole.

An American expat, I spend my spare time chasing my two precocious daughters around Ontario and changing the batteries on my heated socks. I apparently have a very twisted mind because I started out writing contemporary but have since found that my sweet spot is dark fantasy; I’m represented by the inestimably fabulous Saba Sulaiman at Talcott Notch.

*This is no guarantee that our future mentees will sign with agents and/or get book deals. I bring it up only to point out that I take this program very seriously and will do my best to help take your writing to the next level.


Now that you’ve fallen in love with #TeamUnicornMojo, it’s time for our wish list…

[Kung Fu Panda doing his thing!]

This year, #TeamUnicornMojo is focusing exclusively on fantasy (including historical fantasy and contemporary stories with strong magical elements)!

Our goal is to find a story with a unique premise and beautiful writing. We prefer to work with an experienced writer who is immersed in the world of middle grade literature and regularly works with critique partners. No first drafts, please!

***Major bonus points for marginalized voices. Send us your #ownvoices and LGBTQ middle grade!***

Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of some of the types of stories we love:

The Girl Who Drank the Moon: We love the gorgeous, atmospheric writing (and world), the tender relationship between Luna, Glerk, and Zan, and the light-hearted whimsy Fyrian brings to the story.

Orphan Island: An outstanding premise and a unique and magical exploration of the upheaval that comes with puberty.

My Fate According to the Butterfly: This sweetly magical story hit all the right notes for us.

The Mad Wolf’s Daughter: This book is swoon-worthy on every level! The voice is sheer perfection, the plot and pacing keep the reader fully engaged, and Drest is a fierce main character every reader can root for (yay strong, determined girls!).

The Graveyard Book: Another fantastic premise with an internal story arc that’s as strong as the imaginative world building and page-turning pace of the story.

Whichwood: This book has it all: a unique premise, a lush, immersive world, and terrific characters.

Monstrous: This book feels both original and classic. Kymera is a wonderful protagonist, one the reader can’t help but connect with on page one.

The Nest: The perfect MG horror story! This is a unique premise that grips the reader and makes us grapple with big, dark issues in an age appropriate way.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret: We loved the scrappy main character, the lush setting, and fabulous steampunk elements. 

A Monster Calls: This book gives us all the feels and uses figurative language and motif in a really masterful way.

Princess Academy: We love Miri’s quiet strength, how she grapples with her place in her family (and village), the well-drawn characters, and how the magic is organic to the story.

Bayou Magic: Even though this story has a real-world setting, the bayou is like a character in this story that is just magical.

The Jumbies: Dark magic and a unique setting make this fantasy adventure a page turner!

The Serpent’s Secret/Game of Stars: A fierce, demon-fighting Indian princess? Yes, please!

The Turnaway Girls: Lush prose and imaginative world building drew us to this original and unusual story.

The Bone Garden: This deliciously creepy tale features our favorite mix: a courageous, kind heroine and a powerful antagonist that come together in a touching, sometimes humorous story with lyrical, atmospheric writing.

The Tragical Tale of Birdie Bloom: We debated including this in our wish list because we’re not a fan of traditional, run-of-the-mill witches. But we love the unique narrator and the whimsical magic in this story, and the voice of the witch is so delightful that we couldn’t leave her out.

Rise of the Dragon Moon: This story’s kick-butt female heroine and amazing nerdy world building hit all the right notes for us. Plus: DRAGONS!

The Mortification of Fovea Munson: Hilarious! Although we tend away from the usual fart joke-style of MG humor, a dry, sarcastic voice like Fovea’s really made us laugh. Which is a good thing because her strong character arc made us cry!

A Curious Tale of the In-Between: A lush and haunting tale with vivid characters and a mystery full of twists and turns.

The Boy, The Boat, and the Beast: We love the themes and realistic portrayal of toxic masculinity in this beautiful story.

The Door to the Lost: Loved the tender friendship and the fantastic magic.

Wish Girl: We love the lyrical writing and the authentic friendship between the two main characters.

If your book comps with these types of stories, you are probably a great fit for #teamunicornmojo!

But if you are still uncertain or would like to know more, pop over to Jessica’s website, where we’ve answered frequently asked questions (including types of stories we are unlikely to fall in love with) and included testimonials from previous mentees and clients.

As a thank you for sticking with us this far, Jessica’s website also features the chance to earn a free query critique!

For more details about Pitch Wars, check out the main 2019 Pitch Wars Mentor Blog Hop post.

See you there!

Don’t forget to check out all the other amazing Middle Grade mentors:

Pitch Wars 2019 Middle Grade Mentors’ Wish Lists

    Recent Client Successes

    The only thing better than holding my own book in my hands is holding one of my clients’. And I’m going to get to do that TWICE very soon because of some recently announced books from two hard-working and talented authors.

    The first is my amazing Pitch Wars 2017 mentee, Reese Eschmann. The second I read the first lyrical page of her heartwarming middle grade, which we pitched at El Deafo meets West Side Story, I knew we were going to choose her. So it was no surprise when agent requests flooded in after the 2017 Agent Showcase or when Aladdin picked up her story for publication in spring of 2021.

    The second is my very first memoir client, Henriette Ivanans. When we started working together in the spring of 2016, she had a compelling story with a wry and glorious writing style. But she also had a manuscript that was almost twice as long as it needed to be. After months of pruning and focusing, I’m so proud of the resulting book, which published this month and is available on Amazon. Her account of her kidney disease and addiction is at times shocking, always gripping, and a beautiful example of the truth that love really does conquer all.

    Congratulations, Reese and Henriette. I can’t wait to see what comes next for both of you!

    On Writing Emotion

    The most frequent question clients ask me is “How do I write emotion?” We all know when we pick up a book by an author that’s gotten it right because we’re right there crying or raging or laughing alongside the main character. But how do we achieve that in our own fiction?

    Having just spent time sobbing on the treadmill as I finished reading two books that really nail this–The Nightingale and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo–I had some thoughts on this topic.

    So I’ve put together my top tips over on the No Blank Pages blog in a post titled On Writing Emotion. Check it out!

    #TeenPit 2019 Mentor

    I’m pleased to return for a third year of mentoring #TeenPit, a writing mentorship program aimed specifically at writers ages 13-19. Working with teens is so different than working with my adult clients. Some have never received feedback on their writing, but all my mentees thus far have been filled with creativity and motivation, which makes it a joy to work with them.

    Learn more about my amazing co-mentors and about how your teen can participate (hint: Applications are open April 5, 2019 only!) by checking out the #TeenPit web site.

    2018 Pitch Wars #TeamUnicornMojo Wish List

    Hello Hopefuls! Welcome to Pitch Wars 2018!

    2018 MG mentor

    The amazing #TeamUnicornMojo (Julie Artz & Jessica Vitalis) is back for a second year and we cannot wait to read your middle grade submissions!

    About #TeamUnicornMojo

    We both love going deep on craft and we’re very hands-on when it comes to the brainstorming/revision process. Jessica’s strength leans toward plotting and Julie loves character development; we both go wild with the red pen when it comes time for line edits and we promise to sprinkle lots of magical unicorn dust over our mentee’s manuscript before the agent round.


    Our future mentee is going to get to know us very well, but in the meantime here’s a little more dirt on each of us:

    Jessica: This is my fourth year mentoring Pitch Wars and my second year teaming up with writer/editor extraordinaire Julie Artz. Over the last three years, I’ve had five mentees (that’s not a typo; two years, I was lucky enough to land two mentees), all of whom have signed with agents as a result of their Pitch Wars manuscripts (and one with a book publishing this fall). Two of the three years, my mentees have had the highest number of requests during the agent round.*

    I also coordinate Letters for Kids, volunteer with We Need Diverse Books, and contribute to The Winged Pen. An American expat, I spend my spare time chasing my two precocious daughters around Ontario and changing the batteries on my heated socks. I apparently have a very twisted mind because I started out writing contemporary but have since found that my sweet spot is dark fantasy; I’m represented by the inestimably fabulous Saba Sulaiman at Talcott Notch.

    *None of this is any sort of guarantee that my future mentee will sign with an agent, get a book deal, or even get requests in the agent round. I bring it up only to point out that I take this program very seriously and will do my best to help take your writing to the next level.

    Julie: I’m thrilled to be back for a second year mentoring middle grade with my writing soul sister, Jessica Vitalis. I write geeky and magical middle grade and work as a developmental editor and book coach for Author Accelerator. I love teaching writers of all ages about craft, which is why I keep putting my hand up for Pitch Wars and Teen Pit. In addition to mentoring writers, I also contribute to The Winged Pen and Middle Grade at Heart, and I’m a Co-Regional Advisor for SCBWI Western Washington. I’m represented by Jennie Dunham at Dunham Lit. In my free time, you’ll find me in the garden or out hiking in the glorious Pacific Northwest, or maybe in a hammock devouring a delicious new book.

    So what can you expect from me? My critique partners have a running joke about my detailed edit letters and my knack for character arc and world building. My kids claim I have the heart and maturity level of an 11-year-old, which is probably why I can channel that middle grade voice so well. My own Pitch Wars experience in 2015 felt like going through an MFA program in two short months, and I plan to bring that same craft-focused intensity to our mentee in 2018!

    I love geeking out on comp titles and movie references and middle grade voice and magic systems. Sub to us and you will get the power of the Wonder Twins, the magic of the unicorn, and the rigor that comes from having two experienced, compassionate mentors to guide you through revisions.

    Now that you’ve fallen in love with #TeamUnicornMojo, it’s time for our wish list…

    drum roll.gif

    This year, #TeamUnicornMojo is focusing exclusively on fantasy (and contemporary stories with magical elements)!

    Our goal is to find a story with a unique premise and beautiful writing. We prefer to work with an experienced writer who is immersed in the world of middle grade literature and regularly works with critique partners. No first drafts, please!

    ***Major bonus points for marginalized voices***

    We can’t predict exactly what will capture our hearts but here is a (non-exhaustive) list of some of the types of stories we love (in no particular order):

    Still not sure if you manuscript is a match for #TeamUnicornMojo? Here are a few extra tips:

    If your manuscript contains magical and/or fantastical elements, features kick-butt characters (particularly strong girls and/or #ownvoices in any of its glorious forms), is set in a fairy-tale, mythological, creepy, or luscious, atmospheric world, and will make us feel all the feels, WE WANT TO SEE IT! (Please, with a double scoop of unicorn sprinkles on top.)

    Read on for some answers to frequently-asked questions! (Or join us on Twitter at #PitchWars #askmentor on August 16th from 8-10pm est. We’ll be answering general questions as well as those directed to #teamunicornmojo)


    1. What are you not looking for?
    • Contemporary (unless it has magical elements)
    • Historical (unless it is fantasy)
    • Humor
    • High fantasy (elves, gnomes, etc)
    • Dystopian
    • Sci-fi
    • Anthropomorphic
    • Epistolary
    • Books in verse
    • Lower MG
    • Chapter Books
    1. What is your approach to the revision process?

    We generally start with an edit letter that covers the manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses from a big picture perspective (themes, plot, character, etc.) and then move on to the fine-tuning. Our edit letters are famously long and we typically provide tons of inline comments to support our thoughts. We have also been known to assign homework when we think it will be beneficial.  We love brainstorming either via email, phone, or FaceTime/Skype and will be there every step of the way to help you put together and execute your revision plan. (In other words, we’re going to smother you with love!) 

    baby hug

    1. I know one of you through Twitter. Can I submit to you?

    If you interact with us on Twitter, that’s absolutely fine. But if you know us in real life (including through SCBWI), or we’ve ever read for you before, please choose one of the other amazing MG mentors!

    1. I have limited time to revise. Should I submit to you?

    No. Even line-level revision takes time and we’re likely to choose someone who needs more big-picture revisions. You’ll want to have some serious time to devote to the process to give your manuscript the best chance to shine!

    1. I don’t think my book needs much by way of revision. Should I submit to you?

    It is our experience that most stories, even when they are “done”, still need a fair amount of revision. Please do not submit to us unless you are prepared to consider big-picture revisions. We will almost certainly ask you to take your book apart and stitch it back together!


    1. What do you mean by books “with a strong premise and beautiful writing”?

    You know when someone sums up a book or a movie in one sentence and you gasp, thinking how interesting and/or brilliant the idea is (and how you wish you’d thought of it)? That’s what we mean by a strong premise. When we say we’re looking for beautiful writing, it means we want to work with a writer who already knows how to construct a strong, compelling sentence (but needs help figuring out how to turn his/her writing skills into a polished novel).

    1. I know you said you didn’t want contemporary/historical/sci-fi/dystopian/elves, but…

    We receive tons of submissions and will not read past the query if you submit something in a genre we listed under number one above. Don’t waste a submission on us when there are lots of other amazing middle grade mentors who are looking for your genre!

    If you haven’t already, check out Jessica’s site too!

    p.s. If you’ve read this far and are dying to know more, here are some testimonials, along with links to past critiques and success stories:

    Testimonial: “Jessica and Julie are an absolute dream team! They are brilliant, incredibly kind, and they will sprinkle your manuscript with unicorn dust! They pushed me to make my manuscript the best possible version of itself without letting me lose sight of the story I wanted to tell. Their skills complement each other perfectly, and I was consistently impressed by the way they presented their ideas as a unified force. I started to wonder whether there was a magical twenty-fifth hour in the day where they got together to compile their lovely (and lengthy 😉) edit letters!

    Jessica and Julie are super organized and thoughtful and they always seemed to know when I was ready for the next step. I can’t believe how much I learned from them–about writing, but also about what it means to persevere in this tough business! They are extremely knowledgeable about the craft and shared so many helpful resources that made me a much stronger writer. Jessica and Julie will be by your side for whatever you need, from structural advice to finding the perfect sentence to knowing the right GIF to send when you need encouragement. I would not have made it through Pitch Wars without their enthusiasm and support, and their next mentee will be SO fortunate to have them!” ––Reese Eschmann (2017 PitchWars Mentee)

    Testimonial: “Having Jessica as a mentor was a dream. She takes her job very seriously, massaging my manuscript into shape no matter how many times I bothered her or how many rounds of revision I needed. Anytime I was stuck with a plot point, she would think about it and get back to me with amazing ideas. I felt I had a real partner throughout all of my revisions, someone who respected my vision yet gave me so much wisdom and guidance. My manuscript was improved 110% through working with Jessica. I would never have found my agent a few weeks after pitchwars without her help. More than that I’ve become an inestimably better writer. I can’t recommend her strongly enough. Getting Jessica as your mentor is akin to winning the writing lottery.” ––Yael Mermelstein, author of I Promise You (and 2016 Pitchwars mentee)

    Testimonial: “From the start I knew Jessica was a legendary mentor. She’s whip smart, clever, caring, communicative, and above all else she dives into her mentee’s words and analyzes them as closely as she does her own. Jessica loves to talk about unicorn magic, and unicorn magic she does indeed have, in the form of turning around drafts in days, brainstorming on the fly, and editing with the careful precision of a publisher. We went through at least three rounds of edits in a month, a feat that had seemed impossible until it was completed. Jessica pushed me and challenged me to see my work as a professional, and to set very rigid and close deadlines when tackling revisions. As a result, by the time the agent round was upon us, I felt like I could handle anything as a writer. That is where the unicorn magic comes in—through Jessica’s mystical ability to simultaneously challenge and instill boundless confidence in her mentees. I continue to be grateful for her guidance long after Pitch Wars has ended.” ––Kit Rosenstein (2016 PitchWars mentee)

    Testimonial: “The absolute best recommendations I can give for Jessica come from two people, my agent and my critique partner. When I was in the midst of revisions, my CP read what I had. Then she read it again after Jessica got a hold of it and ran her amazing, fine-tooth, line edit comb over it. She said something along the lines of, “I don’t know what you did, but it’s so much better. It’s told so much more confidently now.” Then, on the call with my my agent (Elizabeth Harding) she said several times, “The manuscript is really, really polished.” I owe both of those compliments to Jessica. She will make you work and mark up your manuscript with so much virtual red pen you might have a heart attack. And then you’ll get to work and end up with a “confident,” “polished” manuscript.” ––Amanda Rawson Hill, Author of The Three Rules of Everyday Magic (and Pitchwars 2015 mentee)

    Testimonial: “Jessica’s warmth, enthusiasm and knowledge of craft were just what I needed to take my writing to the next level. I had so many “ah-hah” moments as I read her editorial letter that I knew I was in good hands. I attribute the confidence and excitement I’m feeling right now as I jump into a round of revisions with my agent to my experience with Jessica and my growth as a writer under her mentorship.” ––Heidi Stallman (2015 Pitchwars mentee)

    Testimonial: “Julie is a dream come true for writers: a careful and attentive reader who can hone in on what would make a story really soar. Whether you need help with a query, synopsis, or manuscript, I can’t recommend Julie strongly enough. ” —Heather Bell Adams, author of Maranatha Road

    Testimonial: “Working with Julie Artz is a pleasure. As an editor, she’s thorough and prompt, keeping an honest dialogue to help a writer through tough manuscript changes. She excels at nailing down character motivations and ensuring that plot points follow a cause and effect trajectory until resolution. With Julie’s help, I found the confidence to make my manuscript something I’m proud of, instead of just something I wrote.” –Kacey Vanderkarr (YA client)

    Testimonial: “Julie, I am blown away by what I have been able to absorb of your feedback. Thank you for being so patient and generous with me and all of my questions. Author Accelerator has never steered me wrong! I can already see where I need to sharpen the “point.” Thank you for being open to clarifications, questions and a dialogue. I already feel safe in your literary hands.” –Henriette Ivanans-McIntyre (memoir client)

    You can get an idea of what working with us will be like from these additional critiques, interviews, and podcasts:

    Want us to critique your query before the entry window? Comment below and one lucky winner will receive a critique from #teamunicornmojo!

    Follow @Jessicavitalis and @JulieArtz on Twitter to get all this #teamunicornmojo goodness, and more!

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